Thursday, July 7, 2016

What a Moves in the Field Test is Like

Hello and welcome back to another post, today I am going to be talking about what a moves test is like at least for people at my hometown rink. For most tests, you show up early in the morning, hopefully dressed nicely, to show that you care about this test, and for respect to the judges. You should show up at least 30 minutes early because sometimes they can run faster then expected, and you can have time to stretch, warm up whatever you need to do for your test, sometime people bring in food and lay it out as a befe. When taking your test, like any competition or show you have only FIVE minutes to warm up on ice so use it wisely! Depending what level and how many judges in total show up, you usually have 2-3 if not more. When testing is happening it is quiet place, so don't be yelling across the rink. During testing you are allowed to go back to your coach a few times when they are writing in your comments and scores, your coach will tell you you did good, you did bad, or what to remember for the next move. When doing the test you also have to start from a complete stop for every move you do, this way the judges can see that you are either pushing or not. If you mess up you have one reskate only, unless it's freeskate testing then in this case I believe you have two. Once you have finished testing you wait a couple minutes and wait to see your score, there is a minimum amount of points you have to reach in order to pass, the more points you have to earn as you reach higher levels, if you have to have at least 16 points and you only have 15.5, well sorry it means they have circled retry, on the form it will have boxes of the points they give you, comments and finally they circle pass or retry, and theres you moves test!