Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Facts About Ice Skating

Ice skating is harder then it looks and when most people see ice skaters they don't think about how much balance, strength, and flexibly it takes. But for most skaters like me I don't think about those things, I mainly focus on how to land a new jump or how to improve a spin. What's even more amazing is the levels of boots and blades which is very important for skaters because as they level up skaters will need thicker boots and more powerful toe picks to carry them into the air this is also one thing people don't realize. This is one of many reasons why ice skating a very interesting sport!
Did you know people believed skates were made out of bones once? Also did you know the jumps we know no as salchow, axel... were named after people invented those jumps. Same goes for spins Sasha Cohen spin and the Fratianne spin (cannon ball spin.) In fact some of these people like Linda Fratianne teach others today.
Today ice skating has vastly changed and improved and should be appreciated because who knows what would have happened? Maybe it could have vanished. As history should be appreciated because of it changes  effected us today in away on the way we live. History has invented us!
Now today I enjoy ice skating the way it is. Like most skaters I enjoy jumping and spinning and over all my favorite move is the split jump. As I improved I took that improvement and skated in different rinks mostly for competitions. But today I still currently skate at Toyota a famous rink. Whats even more amazing is remember when I mentioned Linda Fratianne well, when ever I skate at Toyota I take lessons from her!  She is great coach and hope to learn her Fratianne spin!